When Corinne Foxx shared the news of her engagement on social media, all anyone could talk about was the ring. In one of the photos posted, Foxx showed off the beautiful piece of jewelry. Although the photo was a bit blurry, it didn't have to be crystal clear to see that she got a huge diamond ring with a diamond band to match. CEO of The Diamond Pro, Mike Fried, exclusively told Nicki Swift he believes the ring is a "3-carat emerald cut diamond." And what is that ring worth? Well, Fried knows it has to have had a hefty price tag.

Fried told Nicki Swift, "I estimate the value at $100,000, no small figure for a ring." It's definitely not a small figure and fitting for how gorgeous the piece of jewelry is. The diamond professional explained, "The design is simple and elegant, bringing a level of sophistication and confidence to the ring." Fried also noted that the choice to have the diamond cut into an emerald shape brings a "modern flair" to the jewelry piece, and the band is not overbearing, so the emerald-cut diamond remains the "focal point" of the ring. A lot of effort seemed to be put into the creation of the ring, and the price tag shows that. Foxx is sure to be overjoyed with the new journey she is about to embark on, especially when the ring is as beautiful as it is.
