Citing a continued, substantial increase in population and growth in all economic sectors, leveraging of regional partnerships to attain the goals of the city, and a better model for communication with residents, Bob Gallagher on Monday announced his intention to seek re-election as Mayor of Bettendorf.

“We have been able to maintain healthy cash reserves while continuing to invest in amenities that drive a sense of place in Bettendorf,” Gallagher (who’s been mayor since 2012) said in his Monday announcement for a planned fourth term. “People continue to move to Bettendorf for our great public schools, wonderful city services and low cost of those services when compared to other regional cities.
“In response to this orderly growth, we continue to find efficiencies in our service models and make public safety a high priority, consistent with the requests of our residents,” Gallagher said.
Bettendorf grew from approximately 33,000 residents in 2010 to over 40,000 residents currently, which is a rate of over 17% in 10 years. “This growth has spurred the Bettendorf City Council to invest in firefighters, police officers and other public safety positions,” the mayor said.
“We are also working hard to better communicate with our constituents in the ways they consume information. We have a new, comprehensive, user-friendly website,” Gallagher said. “We are live streaming our council and committee meetings. We have instituted a text and email alert system and regularly produce videos to inform our citizens.”
In the last four years, Bettendorf has seen an explosion of economic investment in many forms. Gallagher explained that “over 400 new single-family homes have been built, totaling over $170 million in valuation; over 30 commercial infill projects/redevelopments have taken place, totaling over $42 million in valuation; and major project investments total over $190 million in the past four years.”

Examples of these major investments include Iron Tee Golf and TBK Bank Sports Complex Phase Il.
Additionally, there has been plenty of activity downtown, Gallagher said. “Investment near the riverfront has been spurred by the completion of the 1-74 bridge. At the same time, we have completed a Downtown Master Plan to guide new projects to create a destination for entertainment and living downtown,” he said.
New breweries and restaurants now dot the downtown with plans for future, continued development. Partnerships have been a focus area for Bettendorf over the last four years.
“Our partnership with the YMCA to build a new aquatics center and ice-skating attraction is a great example of how creating effective partnerships can bring residents wonderful quality of life amenities,” Gallagher said.

“Bettendorf is truly a premier place to live, work, play, invest and visit. The team we have in place at City Hall is a large reason for our success,” he said. “I’m proud of the work we have done over the past four years and am honored to serve the citizens in Bettendorf. I look forward to the challenge of moving Bettendorf forward into the future!”
A 1987 Bettendorf High School grad, Gallagher received his B.A. in Communication Studies and in Psychology from the University of Iowa in 1991 and his Juris Doctorate Degree from Marquette University School of Law in 1994.
He is a partner in the full service, regional law firm of Gallagher, Millage & Gallagher, PLC in Bettendorf. Gallagher is married to his wife, Jennifer, and has two children and three stepchildren.
For more information, visit the city website HERE.