Happy anniversary to Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan! The Bollywood couple, who are proud parents to four-year-old daughter Aaradhya, are celebrating ten blissful years of married life. Abhishek, 41, took to his Twitter page on Thursday to post a heartfelt message, which read: "And just like that... It's been 10 years! Thank you all for the wishes for Aishwarya and I. Lots of love." The stars tied the knot in a lavish wedding ceremony in 2007, forging the ultimate power couple in Indian cinema.
Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan are celebrating ten years of married life
STORY: Aishwarya Rai calls her beautiful daughter a 'blessing'
Filmmaker Karan Johar congratulated the couple, tweeting: "Congratulations @juniorbachchan on 10 beautiful years...how time flies! Still remember the sangeet performances!!! #AishwaryaRaiBachchan." actress Aishwarya exchanged vows with Abhishek after two years of dating. Speaking about wedded life with his beautiful wife, the handsome actor previously told that he feels "very blessed".
The Bollywood couple are proud parents to four-year-old daughter Aaradhya
STORY: Aishwarya Rai 'never leaves' her daughter
"As a man, nothing gives me more pleasure than, well, my wife," he confessed. "No, seriously, as a man, nothing gives me more pleasure than putting my wife in front of me and seeing her be celebrated. Whether she receives the Padma Shri or goes to Cannes, the most amazing thing I can do is be supportive." He added: "It feels like we've spent our entire lives together, but it's still a thrill to wake up and see her lying next to me." Although the couple both appeared in Bollywood films and in the early noughties, it wasn't until they worked together on the set of that they fell in love. Aishwarya previously said of her man: "I love that Abhi is this mix of a well-mannered, chivalrous boy and a knight in shining armour."
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